Whale Watching

Whale breaching in Crookhaven Bight photo taken from Bosom Beach with Culburra in background
Natural spectacles abound in the ocean surrounding Currarong. Dolphins, seals, giant rays, and of course the largest living creatures on the planet, the incredible humpback and southern right whales.
These majestic monsters cruise their way along the coast between late September until the end of November. They often make their way into our bay with their calves to put on breaching displays which are often visible from the shoreline. If you can arrange a boat trip, you will see them inquisitively swim right past you.
If you are fortunate enough to be staying in Currarong on a quiet night you will sometimes hear them breaching in the waters of our local bay.

Sign at Point Perpendicular
Whale Watching boat in Jervis Bay

Humpback whale
Mother whale with young calf