Useful Info

Where we are, how to get here
Stuarts Bus Company provides a weekday service twice daily to and from Nowra. Timetables should always be checked before making plans and linking with trains.
The trip by car from Nowra is around 40 minutes on three possible routes from the Princes Highway. The most northern is via Terara Road, then going south Greenwell Point Road and further south Forest Road. All roads are signposted but if unsure the most direct is on Forest Road, south of Nowra.
Currarong is on the opposite side of Jervis Bay from Huskisson, Vincentia and Hyams Beach. Driving to that side from Currarong is around 45 km.
There are no petrol stations in Currarong. The nearest is at Culburra Beach, 23 km away or back in Nowra.
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Public toilets and outdoor showers are at the eastern end of Warrain Crescent, in Dolphin Reserve opposite the shops and on the corner of Beecroft and Crookhaven Parades.
There are also numerous outdoor benches and tables to sit and enjoy the view or have a picnic.
The boat ramp can be found on Beecroft Parade just past the Tennis Club. Parking for boat trailers is in the park opposite the ramp. Be aware that it’s an ocean boat ramp facing north and can experience wave run-up, surges and often strong winds.
The nearest Marine Rescue is at Crookhaven Heads near Culburra.