Upcoming Events
Our Past Events
Christmas/New Year – 2023

Easter Art Show – 2023
Currarong Easter Art Show is scheduled
for the Easter long weekend in 2023.
Entry is free and all artworks will be available for purchase.
Expect a wonderful art show exhibiting works from many local artists.

Easter Art Show
2-5 April 2021
A wonderful art show exhibiting works from many local artists. The event was called Beecroft and Beyond, and was held in the Currarong Community Hall.
Exhibiting artists included award winning resident artists Kurt Brereton and Andrew Bremer, landscape painter Peter Zanetti and contemporary painter Robyn Gibson plus many more.
with life surf & 60s music from the incredible
plus a delicious Buffet Dinner
A fabulous get-together, reliving those good old days of Currarong surf & fun !!
Morning of the Earth
The 1972 classic surf film on its 50th Anniversary
Screening at the Currarong Community Hall
Sunday 16 October 2021 starting at 3pm
FREE admission
With the kind permission of the filmmakers

CCA Bingo
An inexpensive fun night with many changes to win with Games & Cash Jackpots !!
Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday nights 7:30pm
from 29 Dec to 23 Jan 2020 in the Hall
Purchase your games, soft drinks and dobbers on the night
PayWave available for purchase over $40

Seaside Feast
Currarong Community Hall
Saturday 9 February 2019
Late afternoon/evening dinner with Live Entertainment
Dress: beach casual ambience catching the relaxed end of summer.
Showcasing local produce and entertainment

Currarong Create
Currarong Community Hall
Saturday 20 April 2019
Amazing locally created bespoke
Arts and Crafts
for display and sale
Art Show - 2019

Spanish Fiesta – 2018

Seniors Morning Tea – 2018

Shoalhaven Youth Orchestra Concert – 2018

On the 23th September, the Currarong Community Association invited the Shoalhaven Youth Orchestra to perform a concert in our Progress Hall to entertain our residents and friends with a recital of a number of classical pieces. As always they need money to purchase instruments and subsidise trips to play music with other groups etc. The fund raising concert was well planned and raised a substantial amount of money.
About 150 tickets were sold and people seated filled our hall. The show started with the Junior Strings 8-12 years old and for some of them it was their first public concert. One of the players had only joined a month beforehand. Let’s say it was interesting, but it certainly made the main concert shine.
Their new Conductor, John Dunstan and Orchestra Manager, Bevan Nicholas are doing a wonderful job with the Orchestra and really set the stage for a wonderful and foot tapping concert. Everyone was very impressed with the performances. About 20 young players with Strings, Brass and Percussion gave us a special afternoon concert. Healthy applause was shown by the audience. The afternoon finished with tea and coffee and sandwiches and cakes.
The proceeds from the ticket sales, raffle and donations came to a very decent $3,280. Nowra Masonic Lodge with their Charity wing, Masonicare, added a further donation of $2,000 on behalf of the Freemasons of Nowra Unity Lodge. The total raised for the SYO was $5280.